International Flooring Technology 2023 (The 2nd Floortech Indonesia)
As the first and dedicated exhibition for flooring technology, International Flooring Technology Indonesia (Floortech Indonesia) will feature a special showcase on floor coatings to complete the flooring innovation spectrum. Floortech Indonesia is set to gather leading manufacturers and brands with specialization in coatings. The exhibiting companies will be able to introduce a variety of solutions for new floorings of different base materials to be finished with a seamless look and a stain-free and waterproof surface that further protects the floor from wear.
Register Your Visit :
Date : 20 – 23 September 2023
Time : 10:00 – 18:00 WIB
Venue : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran – Indonesia
The Largest Refrigeration & Climate Control Exhibition in Indonesia
Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia 2023 exhibition will deliver market needs for fresh injections of top-grade equipment, high-performing machinery, quality solutions and high-in demand products.
Exhibiting companies play an important role in assisting corporate buyers to make informed selection on technologies that can minimize negative impacts industries’ contribute to environmental issues.
Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia will generate strong figures in sales and be a trusted source of development for various industrial sector. Organized by PT. Pelita Promo Internusa, the exhibition will definitely connect people with innovative and high-technology products.
Date: 20 – 22 September 2023
Time: 10:00 A.M – 18:00 P.M
Venue: JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta
More Information:
ICBT is the new industrial exhibition which will dedicated to unveil innovative, efficient, sustainable and top quality products and innovative solutions to ensure a building’s long term operational efficiency is secured.
Co-located with the largest Refrigeration HVAC event in Indonesia, the exhibition will be the must-participant event for all professional in the building and construction sector, as they play part the key strategic role for the economic and sustainable development of the country.
Date: 20 – 22 September 2023
Time: 10:00 A.M – 18:00 P.M
Venue: JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta
More Information:
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BEA Indonesia & Universitas Buddhi Dharma Meluncurkan Program Beasiswa Penuh untuk Member BEA
Tangerang, 8 April 2021. BEA Indonesia kembali mendapatkan partner baru dalam area pendidikan, kali ini BEA Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Buddhi Dharma meluncurkan program yang sangat istimewa diperuntukkan anggota BEA Indonesia. Program kolaborasi ini bisa menjadi terobosan untuk mendukung anggota BEA yang terbentur atau memiliki keterbatasan biaya untuk kuliah. Dalam kolaborasi ini Tim Ahli BEA Indonesia juga akan menjadi Dosen tamu untuk beberapa mata kuliah untuk memberikan perkuliahan terkait best practice dalam Ilmu Teknik
News BEA indonesia
BEA Indonesia Ride to situs Rawa Gede
Sabtu,27 Mei 2023
- BEA Indonesia kembali mengadakan event touring motor ke situs wisata Rawa Gede , Jawa Barat dimana dalam event ini di seponsori oleh :
- Kegiatan ini tentunya dihadiri oleh member BEA Indonesia sebanyak Kurang lebih 30 Member aktif